About myself
Silvia Palop graduated in Psychology at the "Universidad Autónoma de Madrid", Spain in May 1995. Afterwards, she obtained a Master's degree in Human Resources & Organizations from the same university.
Between 1996 and 1998 she enrolled in a doctorate program in Clinical and Health Psychology. Credits full completed, thesis unfinished.
She also participated in different research projects focusing on psychoimmunology in asthmatic and allergic patients; on 'Rheumatoid Arthritis' and on women with breast cancer, Madrid-Amsterdam-OSU (USA) 1996-1998.
Since August 1998, Silvia Palop is working in The Netherlands in the social/healthcare sector.
Since September 2001, she is registered as PSYCHOLOOG NIP. She is bound to observe the ethical codes as specified by the code of practice.
Since september 2004 she has her own practice.
Since July 2015 Silvia Palop is accredited as Health Psychologist in the Dutch health system (BIG-register)
Ms. Palop speaks besides Dutch, Spanish (native speakers), English (fluent) and Portugues (basic command).
Postgrade courses and workshops
AI in the GGZ, The Rode Hoed, 14-06-24, Amsterdam
Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy, NVPP, 2019-2020
Symposium about Parentification, Utrecht, 14-11-16, organiced by Lemion bv.
Postmaster in Systemic and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy, Rino Noord Holland,2016-2019)
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Rino-Noord Holland, docent: E.F.J. Versteeg, june 2015
Workshop: Transference Focused Psychotherapy, lecturer: MD,PhD Frank Yeomans. June, 5th 2014.
Personality assesment, Rino-Noord Holland, docent: E.F.J.Versteeg, nov.2012 - febr.2013.
Child and Adolescent psychopathology, Rino-Noord Holland, february- march 2012, Lecturer: M.G. Güldner.
Congress Schematherapy: specific applications in the clinical practice; Amsterdam, 30 september 2011
Cursus Working with DSM-IV-R, Lecturer Dhr.P.J.J.Hanneman, Rino-Noord Holland, november-december 2010.
Voice Dialogue workshop giving by Robert Tamboliev, 13 november 2010 te Amsterdam.
1nP Day: Multidisciplinaire Expertise Enhancement Day. Participation at different workshops, such as " Music therapy and Family Constellations" 9 october 2010, in Kasteel Vanenburg ter Vanenburgerallee.
Congres Schematherapy: Experiential methods; Wide application and further deepening. September 2010 in Amsterdam.
EMDR, basiscursus. Lecturer: Drs. P.D. Baldé, 28 may 2010.